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5+ Ideas - Free Health

This page is started but not finished.
This will be a 'Why To' & a 'How To' article.
But, we will give ideas for checking everything (Rule#1).
Keywords (i.e. rabbit-holes) are already here for curious minds.

5+ Ideas - Free Health

Rule #1Check everything for yourself.
Rule #2:  Just do it easily & maybe you'll keep doing it.
Rule #3:  Please email us any criticisms, corrections & suggestions.
Our Aim:  Avoid basic illness, trauma (physical/mental) & unnecessary medical interventions - Make very easy  (do anywhere) suggestions - Stick to the physiology (not the clinical fairy-tales) - fun facts.

'5+' easy & essential things that improve everyone's health...

1 - Happy Lungs (& Sinuses... Guts... Thoughts) Biology-based Advice from...
Stig Severinsen (biologist & former world record holder),
Belisa Vranich (psychologist & security? consultant),
Neema Moraveji (pychologist & Stanford Academic),
Max Strom (life coach & breath instructor),
Alex Weil (Harvard Academic & 4,7,8 breathing originator) &
Joe DiSefano (sports & performance consultant)

  • Basic breath-ercise??? :
    - Sit in armchair - Head up 
    - Shoulders back - Elbows out
    - Fingers on cheeks - Block one nostril - Close mouth - Fill big & quickly (belly firstly then upper chest)
    - Shoulder blades together - Flap that diaphragm (Suck-in via mouth)
    - Hold for '5' - Hum slowly Out (don't quite empty)
    - Stay in the chair... & Repeat!
  • Unblocking that nose
  • 3 minutes, 3 days, 3 weeks
  • Heart Rate Variability Flight, Fright or Freeze vs Rest & Digest.
  • Clearing & Cleaning:
    - Light coughing & humming
    - nasal sprays/rinses/vapour
    - Lung-ercise ???.

2 - NIR (near infra red) & UVB (ultraviolet-B)

  • NIR in shady green spaces - UV on long bones - Short times at noon - Supplements from mid-autumn to mid-spring.

3 - Slothy Exercises

  • Avoiding 'big medicine' - Warm up - Stretch up (muscle, tendon & fascia) - Light resistance - Mild muscle failure (MMF)  - Warm down - Stretch down (muscle, tendon & fascia).
  • Overview of recruitment (speed/strength/balance)
  • Rotation of usage - Rotation of loading (Start-off/load-up/Taper-down)
    Note: Rotation of loading is a major principle for all exercise ideas.  It can apply to a weekly routine, the day's program or just one particular exercise/movement.  It depends on the incidence of effort,  of recovery & even restarting after longer breaks.

4 - SleepzzZ

  • Rise with the shine - Caffeine curfews
    - Dine like a pauper - Evening constitutionals
    - Blue screen curfews - Low tech bedroom
    - Mental Ataraxis (non verbal nor visual relaxation)
    - The firm mattress - Armpit sleeping.

5 - Easy LC (low carb) Eating

  • Glycosylation/Glycation - Easy morning fasts
    - King, prince & pauper meals
    - Fats at midday, carbs at afternoon-tea & snacks/treats for dinner
    - Franken-Foods (reassembled or changed)
    - Throw together recipes
    - Gut & mucosal immune regulation
    - Fermentable & Unfermentable fibre, Simple supplements
    - Intracellular antioxidents (using NAC & Sulforaphane).

'5+' - Light Sweating & Mild Cold Therapy

  • Don't Panic, it's easy... can be done in a chair!...

'5+' Ideas - FAQs

  • I'm tired how do I start?  - Backdoor muscle energy
    - Lazy stretches - easy warm ups.
  • I don't live near a park nor have a backyard for exercising
    - Anytime/anywhere exercises = Bedroom/Living-room/Work-place.
  • Can I over-do it?  MMF is the key
    - Resistance bands stop shock-loading - Feeling your way.

More to come soon...