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Why is Cocomilk Kefir not always the same consistency? Why is it sometimes runny and sometimes thick?  Cocomilk Kefir is made runny. Since the kefir is a live active food, It will still grow, fizz & thicken as it sets further in the tub. This thickening depends on the time passed since it was made; it also depends on any warming that occurs with handling. The thickening will just make more of the probiotics. If you like it thinner, just add a little of clean water (preferably spring water) and mix it well. If you like it thicker, leave it out of the fridge overnight; it will then thicken over the next few days. 

Why don't we supply to larger supermarkets?   We do supply to smaller supermarkets & food barns, but these are usually family owned businesses that will allow fortnightly deliveries.  This supports our decision to make fresh items which means that we hold minimum stock (1-2 weeks).  This is not practical for larger distribution where products maybe warehoused for months.  These types of products need processing which we believe reduces nutrition for example -  processing with preservatives, fillers/bulkers, dehydration, hydrogenation of fats, milling, high sugar/oil content, extreme dilution or unripe harvesting.

Is saturated fat a problem when eating cocomilk kefir?   The obfuscation (deliberate confusion) over macro nutrients (fat/sugar/protein) has been a problem leading to an epidemic of disease.  The fat hypothesis has been discredited - please see the NIH file of a JACC article by the American College of Cardiologists.  So, if coconut items are consumed with moderation in a low carbohydrate regime then they are part of a healthy diet.  We suggest a dessert-spoon of cocomilk kefir with a meal.  However, where there is a metabolic issue, then individuals need to get advice from a practitioner who can give a 'systemic' overview of consequences.  Please see our article on "glycation" found in our health pages.

What are common causes of bloating & reflux?  In many cases, bloating occurs when foods such as starch or sugars are fermented too quickly for dispersion &/or absorption - this causes gas/foam to build up (bloating) which may then promote simple reflux (heartburn).  Long term heartburn may also lead to incompetence of the esophageal sphincter & then, acid reflux.  Commercial medicine usually prescribes a proton-inhibitor drug (acid inhibitor). These inhibitors have consequences like slow or incomplete digestion.  Relief is often found with dietary changes. One simple way to limit this cause of bloating is to limit the saccharides (starches & sugars) in your diet.  The second way is to interrupt fermentation in the gut (especially the stomach) by speeding up gut actions.  Eat a little more soft fiber AND avoid mixing your starches & sugars with dense proteins or heavy fats in the same meal.  Also, don't overeat (overfill) as it impedes the physical & chemical break-down of stomach contents. It also slows gas from gathering together & being 'burped' out easily.  By not over-eating the stomach often empties before much gas is trapped.  These simple ways have been known & documented since 1893. The following link displays a very early medical article describing fermentation during digestion. It's quaint but relevant  -  Click here (1893, Allan A Jones MD)

More FAQs posted soon... 🙈

