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Slothy Exercises - Smart Physiology For Easy Exercise

Gabriel Exercising?

Still under construction - but, we'll be discussing a routine (& methods) for easy, no huffing & no pain exercises using walking & resistance bands.  There are smart ways to warm-up, stretch, flush, strengthen, recruit muscle & recover for improving everyday activity - all to avoid trauma, soreness & spilling your coffee/tea onto your pyjamas.

Below are two video snippets from Dr Sten Ekberg & Dr. Doug McGuff.  These videos discuss manageable intense exercise & the role of muscle in health .

The use of  momentary muscular failure (MMF) is explained.  It doesn't mean causing trauma, sprains, pain, etc.  To be clear, MMF during exercise means either feeling a lactic acid build-up or loss of smooth movement (not pain).  MMF also includes (though NOT recommended) being unable to commence/complete a movement.

>Dr. Doug McGuff - Training to mild momentary muscle failure (MMF)

>Dr Sten Ekberg - Types of resistance training   (Apologies, awaiting update)

I (me, Gabriel) personally use elastic resistance bands to perform Slow Loaded Intense Movement (SLIM).  Resistance bands allow safe exercise by slow loading & slow movement of muscles.  It is a controlled method of reaching MMF.  This method gives enough intense movement to enable myokine signaling & growth hormone release.  These factors promote health & mild muscular hypertrophy (increased mass).

A typical SLIM student...

To be continued...